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Where I Stand

My pledge to you is to represent and advocate for what is in the best interest of District 12 and to never put the benefit of our community second to my own personal gain. I have no ulterior motives, and no personal reward hinged on my decision to run for office.


Parents know best what is best for their children. Public schools will never replace the imperative role of responsible, healthy parenting. I will advocate for the protection of parental rights to educate their children through whatever means they feel is most beneficial — be that public, private, or homeschooling. Healthy competition fosters increased quality and efficiency in education. I support programs like the Utah Fits All Scholarship which allow parents a greater opportunity to choose the best form of education to meet the individual needs of their child. All children should have access to a quality education with the goal of academic excellence, free from invasive political, social, and sexualized agendas and indoctrination.


I support the caucus/convention system and believe it is the most thorough, effective, and fair way to select which candidates appear on the ballot. I oppose SB54 and would support overturning this legislation which provides an avenue for candidates to be placed on the ballot by merely gathering signatures. Delegates are elected by their precinct members with a vote of trust that they will thoroughly vet each candidate and make an educated and informed choice at the convention. Signature candidates often pay people to go door to door to gather signatures. I have visited with several constituents and have found that, oftentimes, the reason signatures are being requested is being misrepresented by those gathering them. This practice also negates the form of representative government and eliminates the important role of research, filled by delegates elected at caucus. I am opposed to the practice of ballot harvesting. Providing third parties access to absentee ballots increases the risk of dishonest and unethical practices. The management of absentee ballots should be limited to voters and immediate family members, and then only under special circumstances.


I am a dedicated proponent of the Second Amendment and will fiercely defend our right to keep and bear arms.


Our Founding Fathers' vision has been eroded to a point where we are taxed on almost every aspect of our lives and deaths. As a successful small business owner with 50-plus years of experience, I have a great appreciation for the importance of operating within a budget and making fiscally responsible decisions. Our government representatives are entrusted with the solemn responsibility of being stewards of our tax dollars. I will fight to lower taxes, keep government spending in check, and promote accountability and transparency in government spending. “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” ~ Frederic Bastiat


We are living in a time where the vital role of the traditional family is being disputed, disrespected, and disregarded. I recognize the need for, and the resulting benefits of, morally strong families, and I will advocate for the preservation and protection of traditional family values. I am an ardent supporter of the sanctity of- and the right to- life. I am vehemently opposed to abortion.


I am an adamant proponent of local control. I will steadfastly oppose intrusive and unreasonable mandates by federal AND state government. I am opposed to SB174 and other such legislation that imposes excessive punishment on local government for non-compliance with invasive legislative directives. I believe the individuals best qualified in making decisions that affect their community are those who live in that community and who navigate its daily challenges. I feel strongly that government representatives should not participate in voting that involves a conflict of interest, where the representative has the potential to personally benefit directly or indirectly from the proposed legislation.

Personal Note

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I am committed to being a representative of the people. I have an imperishable love for where we live. I feel a strong sense of duty and responsibility to preserve the things that have made this area a wonderful home for me and my family for so many years. I have seen many changes come over the course of my life, some good, and some not so good. While change is inevitable, we must try our best to think through and responsibly manage the change happening around us. I am running for office because I believe it is time for a change in a positive direction. I have no ulterior motives, and no personal reward hinged to my decision to run for office. I am doing this because I feel a sense of urgency to act. If elected, I will make myself available to you, the people I am given the sacred trust of representing, to listen to your concerns and to take measures to address them. I have worked hard and tried to give my best in every aspect of my life, and this endeavor will be no different. I will do all I can to prove worthy of the confidence you place in me. I would appreciate your vote and your support.


Thank you for your consideration,

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